What a bonkers crazy few weeks I’ve had. Since August I’ve been to Austria, Devon, Dubrovnik, Malta and a cruise around the Med!!
Some of these have been working trips- escorting groups or research however the cruise was very special and definitely a holiday.

Because I can work anywhere with WIFI I’ve been able to book so many incredible trips for my lovely customers too, wherever I was!
I know I’m incredibly lucky to have such amazing opportunities and thank all my customers for their support- I couldn’t do it without them/you!
Appointments at The Holiday Hut have been snapped up and every day has been fully booked- if you would like to see me I strongly advise you book a time with me to avoid being disappointed.
I’ll do some blogs about the trips when I get chance, in the meantime here’s a few pics

We’ve also had our Wendy’s Wanderers coffee morning and wine & cheese evening. Both were fully booked and were great fun with lots of chat. Our festive afternoon tea is planned for 7th December- get in touch to book your place

Looking ahead Christmas is around the corner (where ahs this year gone?!) This will be followed by what is the traditionally busiest time of the year for holiday bookings. If you’d like to book an appointment to beat the rush and get what you want now please get in touch